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2010 Report! Glory to GOD!

Here is the 2010 Annual Report. Please, as you examine our fruit, would you consider giving an end of the year donation into this ministry, or would you consider becoming a full-time partner with me? Every dollar you sow is 100% tax deductable and is sown into furthering the Kingdom of God! Please click HERE to donate!
I truly believe that the homeless are the epitome of the least of these. It is my desire to change this by bringing our efforts into your homes and hearts. Please partner with me in bringing this group of broken and more than rejected population to the Kingdom of God. There are some pretty amazing people who are so stuck and simply need that kind, soft word spoken in a due season. I once was that person, and the church embraced me. Now it is time to embrace others. 

1.       Speaking Ministry: Vision Statement: To educate society, the judicial system, and the church that not only can people come off drugs, the streets, and out of prison, but they can become what they were created to be by unlocking the greatness of God in them.

a.    In 2010, I had the privilege of traveling to three states to speak:
 i.         Kentucky – Radcliff
1.    Lifeline Assembly of God Women’s Conference
         2.    Lifeline Assembly of God Sunday Service
       ii.         Texas – Dallas
1.    Saturday evening outreach at a large complex
         2.    Sunday morning service
      iii.         Colorado – Denver and Arvada
1.    Business Women’s Symposium – Christian Business Conference
         2.    Lighthouse Community Church – Women’s Retreat

2.                Downtown Ministries: There are five small groups involved in serving The Downtown Ministries. They are faithfully donating, cooking, and serving at the Plaza every week. We are delighted! The LORD has really been placing on my heart, “Now is the time.” After praying through what this looks like, one thing He revealed is to begin a second feeding. We now feed every Wednesday!

a.  Salvations, Services, & Breakthrough:
                  i.   Salvations – 8 salvations 
                ii.   Services – we have people going to three different churches weekly
               iii.   Breakthrough – we’ve had 7 people attend breakthrough with 5 water baptisms           and 3 Spirit Baptisms
              iv.   Countless prayers and encounters at the Plaza
b. Saturdays – a full hot breakfast
                  i.   25+ volunteers
                ii.   80+ homeless to feed
               iii.   Approximately $175 weekly costs -$2.20/person (including supplies)
c.  Wednesdays – The Lord opened the door to begin another weekly feeding. We now serve dinner on Wednesday nights! We began this the first week of October. 
                  i.   15+ volunteers
                ii.   60+ homeless to feed
               iii.   Approximately $60 weekly costs -$1/person (including supplies)
d.    Sundays – Lunch after church
                  i.   3 to 6 people go to church with me every week 
                ii.   Approximately $6/person (including me J)
               iii.   Approximately 10 go to other churches
e.  Sporadic Visits – We make visits intermittently to meet needs
                  i.   I get calls b/c someone is hungry
                ii.   i.e. blankets, shoes, etc… 
               iii.   random donations of food
f.   Off the streets – 
                  i.   Carl: Was taken in by a couple who volunteers at the plaza
                ii.   Mr. Ray: Now receiving his SS check
               iii.   Mr. Richard: Has a small fema-like home on someone’s property
              iv.   Laurie: Lives with Cathy
                v.   Markus: Lives with brother
3.       House Ministry: Two women were brought in. There was no charge for their stay.
a.    Lady One – Was homeless, addict, prisoner: Stayed 14 weeks. Went through Breakthrough 2x. Now going through jobs for life program with GCM.
b.    Lady Two – Addict, Stayed 9 weeks. Went through Breakthrough, consistent with Bible studies, discipleship, small group. Saved her money and rented an apartment – still consistent with the above.

4.       Holidays: Thanksgiving and Christmas: The Lord has been so good to provide in the quickest of ways to bless our outreaches!
a.     Thanksgiving: Served Wednesday 24th at 5:30pm 
                  i.   Served 130 people from plaza (had 30 serving)
                ii.   Decorated Plaza with tablecloths, centerpieces, festive dishes

               iii.   Meal: five turkeys, dressing, mashed potatoes, green beans, corn, sweet potato           casserole, rolls, cranberry sauce, desserts, and tea.
b.  Christmas: Serving on Saturday 25th at 8:00am (canceled an all-expense-paid mission trip to Mexico to be at the Plaza b/c our normal Saturday is on actual Christmas day)
                  i.   Planned for 100 people
                ii.   Will decorate with tablecloths, centerpieces, trees, and more
               iii.   Meal: ham, casserole, grits, sausage gravy, biscuits, fruit, pastries, juice, coffee
              iv.   Boxed Gifts:

1.   Two people purchased/donated 50 outreach Bibles each
2.   One person purchased/donated 100 plastic shoe boxes
3.  We have 100:
   a.     Shampoo, Socks, Razors, Toenail Clippers, Chapstick, Toothpaste, Toothbrushes,        Deodorants
   b.  We are wrapping all the gifts so they can be opened by our friends on Christmas       morning!!

5.       20011 Support Request:
a.  As you prayerfully consider your ongoing or new financial support, please know it is our honor to be your hands and feet to the homeless community in our church, city, and country.
b.  As you continue to offer your prayer support, please pray specifically for wisdom, renewed vision, Jesus to be exalted, and God’s perfect will to be done.
c.  Please know that all the fruit and the glory go to Jesus Christ!
d.  I am available for a face-to-face to interview if necessary.

“The righteous care about justice for the poor, but the wicked have no such concern.” (Proverbs 29:7). Clearly, the LORD is moving miraculously at the plaza! We are humbled to play such a roll there.

I pray blessings for you as you give to His kingdom! May the LORD multiply to you one hundred fold for you generosity!

Respectfully Submitted,
Jennifer Smith
Praying over our city!
We fed 130 people for Thanksgiving!
Two very happy men!
 Me with Jennifer, Arthur, and Chris in the background
We are getting SO PACKED on Saturdays! Rain, cold, heat, shine: WE ARE THERE!
Some of our friends!!! Mr. Richard :-)))


  1. I love this ministry! Thankyou, Jennifer for being so faithful to what you’ve been called to do! Fun,huh???

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