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Being Intentional


Yesterday, Monday, began an intentional season for me. Some people think that to be “me” comes easy. Ha. I have to laugh. It is, in fact, one of the greatest struggles. See, it is exclusively my intention not to be me, but to be an example of Jesus Christ!

I have struggled the last couple of months in the spiritual area… doubting God. Not cool. But thank GOD, I know what to do about it. I’m a fighter. I’m a Deborah.


Over the next 40 days, I will be pressing in to Matthew 6:6 and Ecclesiastes 11:6 – Look them up. You won’t be sorry!

After prayer and receiving confirmation, I have an AWESOME regimen that the LORD gave me to follow. I don’t feel led to share what that is publicly, but I do have a couple of solid people holding me accountable.

BUT, one thing I do want to share is a book that I will be doing during this time: The Art of Listening Prayer, which is written by Seth Barnes. This is my third time going through this book and I still get SO MUCH out of it! It is very POWERFUL! If you want a copy, go here to get one.

Here are some challenges from the book:

Where do I start?
1.      How do I hear your voice?
2.      God, is my walk with you personal?
3.      Do I possess a hunger for a closer walk with you?
4.      What would an increased hunger look like?

What’s my confirmation?
1.      Does it line up with Scripture? Prov 30:5, 2 Tim 3:16
2.      Does it exalt Jesus Christ? John 16:14, Philippians 2:9
3.      Will it produce good fruit? John 15:1-16
4.      Will it produce spiritual growth? Mark 4:26-29

How do apply it?
1.      Is there a practical way that I can apply what I am learning?
2.      Is there a particular person or place where you want me to minister today?
3.      Are you asking me to reach out to others to through some kind of ministry?
4.      Is there anyone who can help me grow in this area?

Thank you so much, faithful friends and supporters, for all you do and for BELIEVING in me! I could not do what I do without you!

“He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall abide
Under the shadow of the Almighty.” (Psalm 91:1)



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