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Prayer as Jennifer leaves for Haiti

It’s a dangerous thing to have a friend write on your blog.  But, here I go anyway!

Jennifer Smith has the most infectious laugh! She’s good medicine, isn’t she? I am reminded by her daily walk of the things that brought me to the Lord…  love, joy, peace…. kindness, goodness, faithfulness, and gentleness.  I am grateful He strengthens us with His patience!

I talked with her on the cell phone as she was driving to Miami to stay with a friend that just graduated from the University of Florida.  She was blessed to have a home in which to stay, a place to leave her car, a ride to the airport, and a meal waiting for her.  The plan was for her to leave from the Miami airport, Thursday, January 21st.  As we talked, I could tell she was full of hope and peace, believing God was directing her path (and flight) to Haiti. Jeremiah 29:11
Let’s continue to pray for Jennifer as she joins others serving in Haiti; let’s continue to pray for miracles in Haiti.  Pray for continued strength and added faith for those who serve and for those who have been tragically affected by the earthquake and the aftermath.  NOTHING catches God by surprise; NOTHING is too big for the creator of all life and the universe.
As I hear from Jennifer, I’ll be posting on her blog.  In the meantime, we’re standing together in faith and love, in the name of Jesus the Christ,
Erin Cook
Friend of Jennifer’s


  1. I am looking forward to hearing all that God has done through Jen, what a true blessing she is!! Thanks for keeping her blog updated, can’t wait to hear more! 🙂
    Love you Jennifer!

  2. Thank you Erin! Lifting Jennifer up in prayer. May God’s plan shine through her smile and heal through her words.

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